When I prepared for our trip I read extensively on the tiny lane-sized roads in Ireland. Locals used travel forums to warn tourists from hiring large RVs. They won’t fit and you’ll miss out on the best parts of Ireland they would write. I am so glad we...
One of the strangest time warps on this trip has been adjusting to the short summer hours in the British Isles. The sun rises at 4.30am and sets at 10pm. When you’re sleeping in a camper van this means you’re waking up at 4ish because the sun glares...
I’ll be honest. I didn’t really expect to love Ireland. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it would be beautiful, and that I would enjoy my experience here, but my heart has always been with England. I never really had much of a connection to Ireland like I...
You will not believe how much we got done today with zero sleep! I feel like we’ve been in Dublin for days but as I write this it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet. One of the first positive impressions we got of Ireland came from our informative taxi driver who offered...
I’m completely fooling you if you think I know a word of Gaelic. To be honest it’s difficult to come up with a nice sounding title for a fairly quiet sort of day. According to Google Translate “Slán Meiriceá” means Goodbye America and “Dia Duit Ireland” means Hello...